Telling your loved ones, girlfriend or wife how beautiful she is, will make her love you more and also help boost her confidence too. This means you should always find a way and at every given time to compliment her.
You can choose to share any of the below quotes or paragraphs with her and I bet she will definitely have a smile on her face.
You Are Beautiful Quotes
1. You’re beautiful. Yes you are, you’re very very beautiful. Extremely beautiful.
2. You have found a way into my soul and a key to my heart. You are so beautiful dear.
3. The moon and the stars don’t glow as bright as your eyes, you are extremely beautiful.
4. Stop thinking that you are ugly or inferior to others, you are beautiful in your own way.
5. Love yourself and everything will fall into place and you will realize you are so beautiful.
6. You are more powerful than you know and honestly dear you are beautiful just as you are.
7. I am sad because even the entirety of a lifetime is not enough to love such a gorgeous woman like you.
8. When you believe that you are beautiful, other people are bound to think the same. You’re so beautiful.
9. You are most beautiful when your eyes are glowing with kindness and joy. You are so beautiful my dearie!!
10. You’re such a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. If the world knew you, then we’d all forget how to hate.
11. If you thought that you are not beautiful just look from my eyes, Just then you realize how beautiful you are.
12. You are beautiful for the way you think, for the way your eyes sparkle, and for the way you make me smile.
13. I saw that beautiful smile and that’s all it took for me to fall in love with you, now you always came in my dream.
14. You are so beautiful because you are human, your flaws and imperfections are the things that make you beautiful.
15. I hope the time comes that you will feel beautiful and comfortable with your body because you are beautiful.
16. Do you mind if I look at you for a bit? I want to remember your face to use it in my dreams. You’re so beautiful!
17. Only one thing you need to do to become more beautiful is to love yourself and accept yourself the way you are.
18. You are worth millions of compliments and I will spend my entire life telling you how beautiful and stunning you are.
19. Your beauty is in your optimistic attitude towards life, in your generous heart and honest thoughts. You are beautiful.
20. You are important to me and I will never let that beautiful smile fade away, I will always stay with you, that’s the promise.
You Are So Beautiful Quotes
21. It is in the power that you have the ability to tell people you are beautiful that you become beautiful in their eyes.
22. You are more beautiful than spring flowers, if I were talented, I would write hundreds of poems dedicated to your beauty.
23. You are like the night sky, with tons of stars hidden deep within, now tell me that is not beautiful and I will show it to you.
24. To wake up every morning and see your beautiful smile is one of the great sensations of my life. You’re so beautiful dear.
25. You are loved. You are wonderfully made. Honey, You have a purpose. You are a masterpiece. Most importantly, You are beautiful.
26. Beauty is not that which you were born, but the real beauty of character based on human values and I strongly believe in it.
27. You are imperfect, permanently, and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful. You are even more beautiful when you are happy.
28. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. But you’re so beautiful inside and out.
29. You are not a problem that needs solving, you were never a mistake, so be proud of yourself. Because You’re so beautiful, dear.
30. Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it. You’re so beautiful, you made me believe that this world is worth living in.
You Are Beautiful Quotes For Her
31. True beauty lies deep within. No matter what you look like on the outside, if you know you are beautiful, nothing can change that.
32. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows. You’re so beautiful.
33. How dare the world define beauty. God defined beauty when he made you! You are beautiful, you are a true beauty just the way you are!
34. If you knew how I like your scent, your flowerlike way, you would not deny a kiss to those who are lost in love. You are so beautiful to me!
35. I wish I could pause the moment that I spend with you because I don’t want this beautiful moment to end. You’re so beautiful my dearest.
36. I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.
37. The day when I saw your beautiful smile that day my heart tells me that she is the one that you are searching for. You are so beautiful.
38. Baby, You are so beautiful because of the light you carry inside you. You are beautiful because you say you are, and you hold yourself that way.
39. Nothing compares to the happiness that engulfs my heart when I hear your voice. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had. I love you.
40. You are beautiful because of the light you carry inside you. My Queen, You are beautiful because you say you are, and you hold yourself that way.
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You’re So Beautiful Quotes
41. No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful and you are so beautiful my dear.
42. I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do, right this second. You are so beautiful to me.
43. For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens. You are so beautiful, thanks for being a part of my life.
44. I was alone in life but when you came into my life you brought colors with you and painted my life with beautiful colors. You are so beautiful my dear.
45. Sweet, unique, modest, kind, honest. These words describe only one percent of your personality. I dream to discover you for the rest of my life.
46. People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder.
47. The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel and the way you care, that is why I love you.
48. You are beautiful in every single way. Words can’t bring you down. Honestly, If you realized how beautiful you are, you would fall to your own feet.
49. My Sweetheart, I am just a common person who has fallen in love with you. Where can I find a girl who is as pretty as you are? Because you are beautiful.
50. Will you be my beautiful princess? I am not your prince charming, but I will do my best to become him for you. Because you are so beautiful to me!
Inspirational You Are Beautiful Quote
51. Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear. You’re everything I hope for. You’re everything I need. You are so beautiful to me.
52. When I saw you for the first time, I noticed your bright appearance, but then I got to know your beautiful soul, and I understood that you are the one.
53. You are so beautiful that I can’t resist looking at you. No one realizes the beauty of love until you lose it. I am glad I realized yours without losing you.
54. In a room full of art, I’d still stare at you, because you are so beautiful, my girl! You are beautiful, and pretty much always on my mind. And I love it.
55. Never in this life have I met a lady so beautiful, so elegant and so lovely. You are the prettiest of them all my darling. I love you dear. You are so beautiful.
56. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. You’re so beautiful dear.
57. Whenever I’m not with you I just look at the sky and wonder how someone can be so beautiful and I feel lucky because that beautiful lady is part of my life.
58. You are like those clouds. Nice and tender. Whenever I look at you, I can delete all my stress and joy, my happiness with you absolutely. You are so beautiful.
59. Few words to describe your beauty: Charming, unbeatable, exquisite and adorable. Your beauty can never be quantified. Same with the love you give me every day.
60. I want to kiss you because I can’t think of any other way to fully express the beauty that you are. I want you to know that I see you as perfect. You are so beautiful.
You Are Beautiful Quotes For Girlfriend
61. I call you beautiful, but you are more than amazing. Each time I come closer to you, everything seems to have a different meaning. That’s one magic I can’t explain.
62. You’re so beautiful to me, and I love you dearly. You mean more than the world to me and I promise to love you unconditionally like the most beautiful thing in the world.
63. You are so beautiful, I do say. Not outwardly alone but also deep inside. Your beautiful heart is one of the best things that breathe in the world. I love you very much.
64. With your beautiful smile, I will have a lovely day filled with love and joy. You make every part of my day beautiful with your love, and I love you more and more.
65. Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that – especially you. You are your own kind of beauty.
66. Looking into your eyes I can see beauty, looking into your soul I can see passion, looking into your mind I can see intelligence, but looking into your heart I can see the world. You’re beautiful.
67. Your beauty puts me at ease, comforts me, and soothes my soul when I’m empty. Your beauty is charming and lovely. You are the best in the world and nobody can take your place.
68. There is no going back on having you in my life because you are amazing in every aspect. You are a miracle, and I realized this from the first moment I set my eyes on you.
69. Your beauty blinds me. It comes from your heart and is reflected in your eyes. I wonder how I never noticed such a magnificent flower like you before. You are so beautiful dear.
70. My queen, my princess, my sunshine, I love you so much. You will remain the queen of my heart. I wanted to tell you that you are beautiful so that you will see that you are.
You’re Beautiful Quotes
71. Everything about you is lovely. Your beautiful smile, just like the rising sun in the morning. Your gentle touch is just like the evening breeze. The sweet words from your mouth. All this makes you so beautiful.
72. You are so beautiful. You’ve made me believe that this world is worth living in. Your beauty captures me, but what amazes me most is how wonderfully it combines with your amazing soul.
73. From the tips of your toes to the depths of your soul, you are so beautiful. It’s a pity it’s impossible to hold a beauty contest among the angels because then you would have won.
74. Remember that beauty is not just on the outside but on the inside too, in the kindness hidden within you. Do not narrow your box, beauty comes in so many forms you can ever think about. You are so beautiful.
75. There is nobody more beautiful in this world than a woman in love, so there is nobody more beautiful than you. You’re so beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
76. I love you every day, with all of me and with all I will become. Not just because you’re beautiful but because everything you get involved with gets to be lovely. My heart is yours forever.
77. A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul. And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars. You Are So Beautiful, Dear.
78. Just in case you need reminding, you are Beautiful with a capital “B”. Your beauty captures me, but what amazes me is that it is wonderfully combined with your amazing soul.
79. My heart flutters with joy, and my body vibrates to the tune unheard by nobody. I feel magic all around me every day because you’re in my world. You are so beautiful.
80. I want you anyway I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although the devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you.
81. Real beauty isn’t about symmetry or weight or makeup: it’s about looking life right in the face and seeing all its magnificence reflected in your own. You are beautiful dear.