Everyone in a family plays some significant roles in our lives and teaches us many things about how to live a good life. Uncles are one of them. Those who have lived in a joint family know this well. Uncles are like true heroes, they have many stories to share, have time to play with nieces, and unlike parents, they become true friends of nieces over time.
Wishing uncles on their birthday is a time to express what you feel for him and also show gratitude for all the support you received from him. Check out our funny collection of birthday wishes and messages for uncle.

Happy Birthday Uncle Funny
1. Happy birthday to my favorite uncle! Thanks for always making your niece/nephew feel like a million bucks. Now, if we could make that literal . . .
2. Today is your Big Day! Forget about getting old and enjoy today and party hard like tomorrow will never come. And if tomorrow eventually comes, then you can just call work and lie that you aren’t feeling well.
3. Cool. The word got a new meaning in my dictionary when I got to know you better and better. Happy birthday to the coolest uncle one could possibly get in this entire world.
4. Uncle, you’re handsome, intelligent, and kind. You’re sporty and talented and have a good mind. When life starts to get tough, you get tough right back. No challenge is too hard, you always give it your best crack. Today is your day, so pour a cold beer. Then raise up your glass and let out a loud cheer.
5. Happy Birthday to the man who never gets tired of me and who accepted my flaws wholeheartedly. You are the best Uncle.
6. Did you hear? They’re going to let us reset your age to nil after 60. So, happy 5th birthday, kid!
7. I bet it is days like these that you wish you had a fountain of youth somewhere in your backyard. But fountain or no fountain, we are surely going to have a blast today. Happy birthday!
8. Dad is my first hero, don’t worry uncle you come a very close second. Every time I see you, I feel as if the hero has made an entry again with a bang. Happy birthday, rock star.
9. It’s your birthday, uncle, dear. Enjoy yourself. Have a few beers. When you light all those candles on your birthday cake, blow them all out, for goodness’ sake.
10. Today is an awesome day because it is your Big Day, uncle, and my prayer for you on this fine day is that God give you the mind and strength to ignore the fact that you are aging. In addition to that, may He give you the strength to party all night long. Happy birthday.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Uncle
11. Uncle, today is your birthday, remember not to oversleep so you won’t wake up only to discover your birthday was yesterday. Happy birthday sweet Uncle. I hope you sit back and relax . . . more so than usual. You deserve it. Enjoy the day, and I hope you have an amazing year. Happy birthday to you, my dear uncle!
12. No matter how old you have become today, may you take solace in the fact that you are still way younger than the world’s oldest man. Have a blast!
13. Enough with the cake uncle. I am already 21. Let’s party college style. Happy birthday, Uncle.
14. Uncle, I missed your funny jokes. Will it be too much to ask for one of those jokes on this special day? Okay, don’t worry, I will tell you one instead. Happy birthday, Uncle.
15. Happy birthday to the uncle who never thought he would become a monkey’s uncle. But it’s true— Have you seen my latest school photo? Aren’t you glad I look so much like you?
16. Happy Birthday Uncle, hope you are wearing your spectacle because you might think tomorrow is your birthday. I love you, Uncle.
17. Happy birthday to the most fun uncle ever! Thanks for letting me get away with all the things that Dad wouldn’t.
18. As you celebrate your birthday, dear uncle, please don’t let the fact that you are aging bring you down. If you do, it’s going to be pretty hard getting back up. Happy birthday.
19. My dad would have had a tough time competing with a champ like you in everything. Happy birthday, Uncle.
20. “Happy birthday!” I said to an uncle that it’s so cool. Have fun today. Go ahead, act the fool. I know your secret that makes aging a breeze — You age like fine wine, but you’re just a big cheese.
Funny Happy Birthday Uncle
21. You’re looking so handsome these days . . . You’ve got that silver fox thing going for you. Happy birthday to the best-looking uncle in the family!
22. Wishing my dearest uncle, a fabulous birthday. Uncle, ignore the new wrinkle on your face and party like there’s no tomorrow. Enjoy your day.
23. Dear Uncle, I thought of a special birthday gift for you today, and that is to bring a trailer load of chocolate to your birthday party. It’s a way of saying thanks for those wonderful chocolates you’ve always bought for me.
24. Pocket money was never a problem. As I would run to you whenever I needed it. Happy birthday, Uncle.
25. You, dear uncle, are like a happy mushroom. Whether or not you wear a costume, you really are a fun guy. You know on your birthday I just couldn’t lie.
26. As you are getting older, remember that your white hair is going to be getting more. Remember never to touch my dye because I want the whole world to know that you are now an old cargo. Happy birthday uncle.
27. Happy birthday, dear Uncle! How old are you again? I’ve lost track. Just kidding—here’s to someone who will always be a kid at heart.
28. Dear uncle, on your special day, my wish for you is that sorrow steer clear of you like an illegal immigrant from President Trump. Happy birthday.
29. Smartness gets redefined every year on your birthday only. Growing younger by the year. Happy birthday my dear uncle.
30. Uncle, my special wish on your birthday is to marry a kind man like you as a husband. But he shouldn’t have your other side… spanking all day long. Happy birthday, sweet uncle.
Funny Birthday Message for Uncle
31. Shuffleboard and shuffling feet, both for a man who once danced to the beat. Dear aging uncle, I still care, and I’m glad to see you getting old with such flair.
32. Mummy said we are going to be fasting today because you have eaten all the food meant to celebrate your birthday and we have to pray for a miracle. Happy birthday uncle.
33. Dear uncle . . . or should I say “grandpa”? Just kidding. Happy birthday to one of the best members of the family!
34. They say that good people don’t live long on the earth. Uncle, if that is the case, then that makes you worse than all the most infamous outlaws of the Wild West put together.
35. Aunt is very lucky to have you as her husband. Happy birthday to a rocking uncle. I’m here to say sorry for all the trouble I caused. I will cause more in the future. Happy birthday, Uncle.
36. Uncle, you’re handsome, funny and smart. You’re brimming with talent and have a good heart. Today is your birthday, and I’m happy to say, Although I’m a lot like you, you had a head start.
37. As you are getting older, I am happy to know that your hands are now going to be getting weak to beat me. I am happy to know I can sit on your tummy the way I want. Happy birthday sweet uncle.
38. Thanks for taking all the good genes in the family, Uncle. You’re only forgiven because it’s your birthday. Here’s to all the best to one of the best-looking men I know!
39. Dear Uncle, despite the fact that you are swiftly getting closer to reaching the top of the hill, take solace in the fact that you are not buried under it. Happy birthday.
40. I see strands of gray hair in my head, don’t worry we will cover up saying it’s because of wisdom. To all the guys out there: Behalf a man as my uncle and then you can approach me.