Good night messages always hold a deal for your beloved one. So, make it special by showing your affection towards the person via the text. Make it clear how much you appreciate their existence by wishing good things for them.
Whether you are far apart for a short time or if you just want to wish your lover a good night of sleep, send a message that expresses your love for him or her. Nights can be long and lonely, but it is always wonderful to feel loved and know that the last person he or she has spoken to for the day is their true love.

Here you will find good night wishes for any relations. Like sweet messages for family members, romantic good night messages for lovers and inspirational good night messages for your friends.
You will bring a shiny smile to their faces before they drift off to sleep by sending these beautiful goodnight messages.
Beautiful Good Night
1. In the whole world, only you can compare to the sun, moon, and stars. You mean everything to me, and that’s why you are my worst ‘goodbye’. Goodnight. Keep confusing me with your charms.
2. As the darkness covers my body and the moon shines above me, so does your love and memories of us cloud my mind. There is only one thing greater than love, and it’s what I feel for you. Thank you for being mine. Goodnight.
3. My life is filled with your scent and positive energy. I wonder how senseless my existence would be if I had not met you. Good night, my angel.
4. Knowing that you are mine gives me joy but knowing you will be mine forever is what gives me everlasting joy. I love you, Good night.
5. If truly there is life after death, I hope to be yours forever. One life is too short to prove my love for you. Good night.
6. I believe I must be a great man to have met such a sweet girl, whose beauty can’t be hidden even to the stars at night. Your realness is what keeps me going. I love You, Good night.
7. People often say love is fake but because of you, I have understood love from a different perspective. I love you, my amazing princess. Good night.
8. My hope for us is to be together forever and that our love keeps flourishing till the end of time. Good night.
9. I have gotten to love you and the thought of loving you more gives me joy. I love you more every night. Good night.
10. The world may turn its back on you but believe me, even if the world says no, I will always say yes to you. My arms are wide open, ready for your embrace. Good night.
Beautiful Good Night Quotes
11. I am jealous of the night because it’s always there to guide and see you smile but I’m always happy to know I am the cause of your immersive happiness. Good night.
12. May your night be graced with joy and comfort and your morning be shiny as light, dear. Enjoy your rest, friend. Good night.
13. Your dreams tonight will be directives to a greater tomorrow. May the grace and mercy of God accompany you all the way. Have a good night’s sleep, darling.
14. I pray that your sleep tonight will bring revelations of God’s purpose for your life. May your paths be enlightened. Wake up with grace for the actualization of this purpose. Good night.
15. Good night, slept tight, awake full of joy at the morning light. Theodore Higgingsworth
16. As you lay down to sleep, focus your thoughts on the good of the day. Tomorrow is another day to start afresh. Catherine Pulsifer
17. it’s time to stretch from small to tall to see the moon so bright. It lights our way and seems to say, “God bless you and good night.” Hannah C. Hall, God Bless You and Good Night
18. Good night – may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake. Michael Faudet
19. Good-night Sweetheart! It can’t be ten, I know;
20. That clock had better “go a little slow!” Mary E. Day
Beautiful Good Night Blessings
21. Good-night. Sleep gently to-night, and dream of the happiness which is sure to come to you. Author Unknown
22. Downward sinks the setting sun, soft the evening shadows fall; light is flying, day is dying, darkness stealeth overall, Good night. Author Unknown
23. Being involved in a good night prayer can change lives as well. Dr. Olusola Coker, Command the Night
24. Go to sleep knowing that I loved you this day, and each tomorrow my love grows stronger. Good night! Catherine Pulsifer
25. One of the best things you can do to help you find a good night’s rest is to develop a routine for yourself that you stick to each night. Julie Schoen, Good Night Yoga
26. The day is over, the night is here, know that I love you today and forever, my dear. Catherine Pulsifer
27. The tiny stars peep out on high;
28. The silvery moon; the dark blue sky,
29. The zephyrs whisper; the owl’s cry
30. Good-night
Beautiful Sweet Dreams Good Night
31. Gordon V. May
32. During the day plans are realized while nights are for plans arrangement. May you be endowed with a sixth sense to set your plans and strength to achieve them. Your night is blessed, enjoy your rest.
33. May the love of God break up every anguish and distress in your soul and body. And be filled with the abundance of His love. Good night, dear.
34. I pray that every storm of your life will be stilled and at rest even as you lay to rest tonight. Rest well, pal. Have a very good night.
35. Sleep is as good as being dead. By the grace of God may you receive more life when you wake up to the brightness of tomorrow. Sleep tight dear. Good night.
36. The stars and moon created to light up the night and the sun to give brightness to the day. As you sleep tonight, your night will be so light and free from troubles and your morning lightened up with God’s light and favor. Delightful sleep, dear. Good night.
37. I have no doubt that you are the reason why the moon and stars show up every night. Have a sleep full of sweet dreams!
38. As you close the day with a sleep, it is my wish that your pillow will release nothing but the sweetest of dreams for you tonight. Sleep well!
39. Among the billions of souls that walk on earth, you are the one whose life inspires me to become the best I can. Good night.
40. Sleep is the only thing that can refresh you after the work of the day. May your sleep be filled with amazing dreams. Good night!
Beautiful Good Night Sweet Dreams
41. As you close your eyes to sleep, don’t forget to dream about us because I am going to do the same here. Have a peaceful sleep!
42. You make my life look so attractive and wonderful. I wish you a bonbon night’s sleep!
43. May your sleep melt away every worry you have and bring you the strength you would need to carry out your activities tomorrow. Good night!
44. “The longest way must have its close – the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
45. “You have nothing to lose by being a positive person. In fact, it will benefit you. After living your day to the fullest, make your night a time to get a full rest. Do it all while staying positive and you will always make good progress in your life.” – Unknown
46. “A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.” – Charlotte Bronte
47. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Good Night, my love, and pleasant dreams.
48. Thank you so much for the wonderful night we had. I hope you sleep well and have dreams as beautiful as you are.
49. I enjoyed our date tonight and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Wishing you a pleasant and restful sleep. Lovely dreams, my dear.
50. There are very few people I feel comfortable being around. You are one of them. We have so much in common. Thank you for everything and have a splendid night ahead.
Romantic Beautiful Good Night
51. I miss going to bed with you at night and waking up by your side. I can’t wait to get home and fall into your arms. Good Night, dear. Sleep well.
52. You are the woman of my dreams. I hope your dreams are as wonderful as mine. I love you so much. Sleep well, my darling.
53. Hotel rooms are so lonely without you. Even a boring conference would be much better if you were here. I love you, darling. Good Night.
54. Good Night, sweetheart. I think about you all the time when you are away. I am very proud of you. I know you will do well tomorrow.
55. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow. You are beautiful, strong, and intelligent. Don’t be nervous. I know you will do great. Sleep well and have the best dreams.
56. “Night is supposed to be a peaceful time, so tell your mind to quit all the noise and just chill. It’s time to sleep.” – Unknown
57. “It is better to sleep on things beforehand than lie awake about them afterwards.” – Baltasar Gracian
58. “As the day is about to end again, it’s nice to remember that I have a friend like you. Let’s make life great again tomorrow. As for now, let’s go to the dreamland. I hope we can meet there.” – Unknown
59. “A million stars have lit up the night sky just like you have lit up my entire life. My days start with you in the morning and end with you at night! Good night!” – Unknown
60. “Forget about the world, this time is yours, It’s called the night. When you can sleep tight, so just do it right? Good night.” – Unknown
Beautiful Good Night Messages
61. “May the angels send you unlimited blessings tonight for the days to come. Good night, and do not let the bedbugs bite!” – Unknown
62. “Good night, give thanks to your many blessings and watch your worries fly away.” – Unknown
63. “I love the silent hour of night, For blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight What may not bless my waking eyes.” – Anne Brontë
64. As the moonlight darkens and the world goes quiet, it is time to take some rest. Hope that your sleep is as peaceful as you are. Good night!
65. May you have a fearless sleep as I have sent hundreds of angels to come to guard your sleep tonight! Have a wonderful sleep!
66. I have asked all the stars in the sky tonight to let you have the most peaceful sleep ever. Good night!
67. May the shining moon shower its grace & be with you throughout this night. Good night!
68. Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light. – George Orwell
69. As you lie on your bed tonight, ward off all the fears from your heart. Tomorrow will bring new hopes and ventures in your way. Good night.
70. “Don’t fight with the pillow, but lay down your head and kick every worriment out of the bed.” – Edmund Vance Cooke
Beautiful Good Night Wishes
71. Thousands of stars have illuminated the night sky just like your presence in my life. Good night!
72. With this calming breeze blowing through the woods,
73. You too enter into the world of mountains & streams.
74. Have a Good Night and sweetheart dreams.
75. “Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.” – George Orwell
76. “Hoping that tomorrow will bless you with lots of opportunities and reasons to be happy. Recharge yourself tonight, tomorrow’s going to be another adventurous day.” – Unknown
77. “Good night, sleep tight, wake up bright. In the morning light, doa what’s right, with all your might.” – Unknown
78. “Let’s leave all the unpleasant memories tonight and start the new day with a happy heart.” – Unknown
79. “Always here, always hopeful. Wishing you the best “good night” I possibly can!” – Unknown
80. “As the day renews, I wish it will also recharge your happiness and energy meter. Lovely night, may the angels sing you to sleep tonight.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes
81. “Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.” ― Tom Rot
82. You are so beautiful and smart. I just love being with you. Thinking about you is my number one skill. Sleep well and have lovely dreams.
83. I am so grateful for the time I have had with you. You are the best girlfriend ever. I love you. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.